I’m so happy to hear that many of you have decided to choose The Silence of Trees for your book club!
The following Discussion Questions can be used for your book club. Additional information can be found here, Behind the Book .
Autographed Bookplates
If you or your book club would like autographed bookplates, just send a self-addressed stamped envelope with a note — or an indication on the envelope itself. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
Send SASE to:
Valya Dudycz Lupescu
c/o Wolfsword Press
7144 N. Harlem Ave. #325
Chicago, IL 60631
Send us your Bookclub Photos
Ukrainian Village Book Club (Chicago)
Back row (from left to right): Bohdanna Domino, Marijka Trushevych, Marijka Kovalsky, Shiania Jackiw, Luba Skubiak, Ira Skirnyk, Roma Wowchuk, Xrystia Sobol, Halya Lytwynyshyn. Front row: Olena Pryma, Valya Dudycz Lupescu
Is your book club planning a pysanka painting party or Ukrainian feast forThe Silence of Trees? Please share with us!
We welcome photos of your book club. Please give us permission to use your photograph on the book and author sites when you send them.
bookclubs [at] vdlupescu [dot] com or contact us.