I’ve been spending much of my “free time” going through Conclave submissions, and it looks like we’re finally getting close to the end of the pile. So as I pause to take a break, I’m going to get reflective for a moment.
One of my favorite aspects of starting Conclave: A Journal of Character has been the creative people I’ve had the good fortune to meet and work with (even if the meetings have been almost entirely via the internet). From the editors and readers who have devoted so much time to reading through submissions, to the Advisory Board members who help to lend credibility and provide guidance, to the contributors and their remarkable works of poetry, prose, art, and photography–I have learned from, and been inspired, by each of them.
I try to keep up with several journals and blogs. Reading through them is one of my favorite ways to start and close the day. Many folks involved with Conclave have blogs, some are really spectacular. I’d like to call your attention to Timothy Allen, an Advisory Board member and photojournalist who writes a weekly blog for the BBC documenting his work with indigenous societies around the world for the documentary Human Planet.
His work (and blog) are amazing:
I just wanted to share the beauty and post a link to his blog:
Back to submissions…
angelislington says:
I wish I had something to submit to your journal 🙂
Hee, I just watched an episode of Taboo on NationalGeographic about that tribe and their nifty dancing. Thanks for the tip about his blog!
spacedlaw says:
It IS wonderful! Thanks for the treat.
traveler64 says:
Those photos are truly amazing in subject, in art, in technique. Wow. Thank you so very much for sharing.
As for Conclave–I’ve followed it since you first announced it, oh, just a short while ago it seems. I enjoyed the pub, I enjoyed the process and I enjoy your blog and ‘chat.’ 🙂
Here are wishes for a successful, fab second issue.