Spring (if only for a moment)

I know it won’t last, but at this very moment there is sunshine and warm weather in Chicago! It’s Spring!

I wrote until way too early in the morning, but I’m happy for the progress. Then I met a friend for lunch, who put up with my slightly slap-happy and sleep-deprived state.

I am feeling so grateful for this beautiful day.


I had a wonderful time at the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts in Florida, and I’ll write about it soon. I have a few blog posts to finish, comic book pages to revise, and stories to send off.


But right now, I’m enjoying the sun and warm wind on my face, and the appearance of catkins on the branches outside the house (pussy willows are always the first sign of Spring around here).



Spring stirs my heart and my imagination. It makes me feel like anything is possible, like all the ideas and emotions and stories that have been growing will be rewarded with a most beautiful blossoming.

Whatever may happen tomorrow, right at this moment, it is enough to make me happy.