New Releases and Publications!
You can read my short story, “Honey” in A World of Horror, an anthology of all new dark and speculative fiction stories written by authors from around the world.
Every nation of the globe has unique tales to tell, whispers that settle in through the land, creatures or superstitions that enliven the night, but rarely do readers get to experience such a diversity of these voices in one place as in A World of Horror, the latest anthology book created by award-winning editor Eric J. Guignard, and beautifully illustrated by artist Steve Lines (Published by: Dark Moon Books (September 10, 2018).
“Witchy Wheys,” my article about cheese magic and tyromancy (fortunetelling with cheese), is in this month’s issue of culture: the word on cheese. The magazine is available in stores and online here.
And Geek Parenting‘s new French edition, Je Suis Ton Père: Les Personnages de la culture geek au secours des parents will be published later this week!