Holding Summer In Your Hand

I’m not much of a beach person or a swimmer, but I like summer; and I love what summer brings: conversations in the shade, wine on the patio, warm nights with music playing softly.

In Chicago, the days can be sweltering, but sometimes we get lucky. Sometimes we get summer days that are bright and comfortable, the kind of golden-hued days I remember from childhood– filled with laughter and imaginative adventures late into the night. The best summer days end when we tumble into bed exhausted and fully satisfied, our bodies tired and our hearts full.

So much of last summer was shadowed in heartache because of the failing health and deaths of my grandmother and grandfather. There were moments of happiness and moments of beauty,  but they were tempered by a longing for days when Baba and Dido were healthy and strong.

babadidosquare We are approaching the one year anniversary of my Baba’s death, and it’s still hard to believe she’s not sitting across the kitchen table from my Dido in the Ukrainian Village, serving him some of her delicious varenyky or a slice of torte with his coffee, maybe indulging him as he asks for more peaches or pickles.

I think of them all the time, and I feel them around, especially my Baba. I believe that she still watches over us–her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She was a caretaker and the matriarch, and I can’t believe she would let death stop her.

Our lives move so fast; we orbit around one another, busy until something forces us to stop. If we’re lucky, it’s a happy occasion that reminds us to notice the circles of which we are a part.

This summer I am trying to be mindful of those moments of  joy in the company of family, tribe, and kindred spirits. There have been several: a 4th of July family bbq, visits with friends in the backyard, campfire chats, margaritas after swimming, lunch with out-of-town friends, and thoughtful conversations over wine as the sun comes up.

I began this post with the intention of writing about specific highlights so far (camping with the kids and friends, lunch with Gene and Neil, Neil’s Ocean reading and time spent with the illustrious Cat, my first Readercon and the wonderful people I met there). Each one was a cherished moment, and together they have shaped this summer into a remarkable one so far.

The remaining weeks of summer stretch not too far into the future, and autumn waits close by to take its place. Before the leaves fall, there are a few more trips to be taken and adventures to be had, good books to read (some written by friends), wine to drink, stories to be written, and children to play with.

“Hold summer in your hand, pour summer in a glass, a tiny glass of course, the smallest tingling sip for children; change the season in your veins by raising glass to lip and tilting summer in.” ~Ray Bradbury, DANDELION WINE

Lunch with Neil Gaiman and Gene Wolfe, Chicago.
At the train station with Marco Palmieri and Sam J. Miller.
At the train station with Marco Palmieri and Sam J. Miller, Boston.
Another marvelous Readercon dinner.
After our interviews with Gil Roth for his Virtual Memories Podcast (Nancy Hightower, Theodora Goss, Valya Dudycz Lupescu)
Camping with friends.

Spring Has Returned

“Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems.” —Rainer Maria Rilke

February felt heavy and thick–a month of molasses. I was productive, but it seemed to take more effort than usual with little left over at the end of the day.

I was ready for March.

When it came, it felt like something in me thawed along with the ground. March brought with Spring, art, adventure, a new book in the works, and stories to polish.

The month began with a weekend retreat with friends on Lake Michigan,  several of whom I hadn’t seen in a few years. Precious time filled with laughter and reflection.


This week, the fabulous Katelan Foisy is in town to meet with her Art rep and for other business.

With Katelan at Milk & Honey in Chicago
With Katelan at Milk & Honey in Chicago

I’m delighted she’s staying with us. The kids and cats have adopted her, and I suspect they may not allow her to leave.


Her visit has been filled with new friends, late-night chats, and so much laughter. It’s food for the soul–easy and stimulating conversation about life and art, the people who inspire us, the places that capture our hearts.

Julie and Katalan at the Ruby Room in Wicker Park.

This time with her is a gift. Katelan is a wonderful artist, a talented intuitive, and a treasured friend.

One of Katelan Foisy’s paintings.

Her tarot workshop at Madame Zuzu’s Teahouse in Highland Park was well-attended, comprehensive, and exciting. Katelan is currently at work on her own tarot deck (and I cannot wait to get my hands on it!)

Katelan teaching tarot at Madame Zuzu's Teahouse in Highland Park.
Katelan teaching tarot at Madame Zuzu’s Teahouse in Highland Park.

(Katelan’s been blogging about her visit, and you can read more here.)

As is the case with friends from afar, it will be hard to say goodbye. At the same time, it’s a blessing to have friends scattered around the world. Wherever they are, home is.  Their friendships help to make this world a little smaller and a lot more joyful.