Information about hosting Valya Dudycz Lupescu at libraries, schools, or other events
You can reach Valya directly by using the contact page on this website or via email at valya at vdlupescu dot com.
Valya does two types of visits: Skype and in-person.
Skype visits:
Valya donates Skype time up to hour to school and libraries, so the visit is free. She will generally begin with a short introduction to her work and then answer questions from participants.
Valya is happy to visit your school or library or appear in your events.
Library Presentation:
$300/up to 2 hours for a library visit (plus travel expenses beyond 50 miles).
School Presentations:
• 1 classroom hour: $300 plus travel expenses
• Half day (2 classroom hours): $600 plus travel expenses
• Full day (4 classroom hours): $1,000 plus travel expenses