Summer is nearly over (and I have yet to write about the adventures and catch up on all the things), like the successful second annual Wyrd Words workshop:
While it was full and happy, I’m eager for the renewed routine that Autumn brings. I’m home from a trip overseas with the kids to visit friends (more on that hopefully soon), with enough time to do laundry, buy school supplies, and pack once more…this time for DragonCon (my first time)

Now it’s time to try on things and decide what to pack for DragonCon 2016. (I may have picked up an accoutrement or two in recent travels.)
If you’re attending DragonCon, my co-author Stephen H. Segal and I will be talking about and reading from Geek Parenting on Sunday at 2:30pm; we’re also on a panel about “How Horror Fans Raise Kids” on Saturday at 11:30am.
In the meantime, if you’re looking for ideas for your own upcoming adventures, here’s a piece on travel that Stephen and I wrote for Quirk:
“Geeks seek to boldly go where no one has gone before, right? Sometimes that means studying artificial intelligence or genetics or astrophysics. Sometimes it means reading sci-fi and fantasy novels or playing mind-expanding videogames. And sometimes it means getting in the car, picking some quirky destination that connects somehow to all that beloved magical stuff, and driving across state lines to explore the strange new worlds that await out there among our fellow Americans.
Every nerdy family, after all, needs to get away sometimes…”